Project Details
- Client: San Luis Obispo Diagnostic
- Construction Date:
- Client Website: https://www.dignityhealth.org
- Location: San Luis Obispo
- Value: 2 Million (Plus $820k by change order)
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About the Project
San Luis Obispo Diagnostic Center is a healthcare imaging facility in downtown San Luis Obispo. This new construction project required many special considerations due its location on a busy street corner, its housing of sensitive medical technology, as well as the need for patient privacy and security. McKinley completed the project over the course of eight months as planned, including the paving of the adjacent parking lot and the addition of a retractable roof needed for upgrading large scale medical equipment over time.

The site’s location on a busy downtown corner, as well as its multi-story plan, posed some safety and liability concerns relative to crew, pedestrian, and street traffic.
Patient privacy, both personal and informational, were also a priority for this project, as with any medical facility.
The initial plan for bringing in the large medical equipment was to leave a side of the building open. Later in the project a realization was made by the client/architect that large equipment upgrades would not be feasible, posing a new challenge – the necessary relocation of the HVAC to construct a retractable roofing solution for the craning in/out of heavy/large equipment in the future.
Our Approach
- Ensuring proper scaffolding, public notifications, and proper insurance policy limits were all paramount to addressing safety concerns.
- Installing viewing windows, security for patient records, and the wiring of a secure server room were all steps taken in support of patient privacy.
- Working together with client, architect, and engineers to complete the retractable roofing solution expediently and safely.
- Using this experience to proactively question plans that do not provide for the future movement of large equipment as needed.